
Save Money with OCIE® Using Services for Accounting Listed Below

Banks, credit unions, payment card processors and other financial institutions have changed considerably in the past few years. New regulations and regulators, increased competition and market pressure, along with data and information security weigh heavy on the financial industry. Working with a solutions provider that truly understands the information needs of your institution can help eliminate costs, streamline requests for information and mitigate risk associated with paperwork and staff. An OCIE solution by Donnell Systems, Inc. is a proven strategy and a rock solid tool set that delivers the experience in fixed information management, data storage, protection and recovery financial institutions need to succeed.

Having access to your records and information is critical for your business. Partnering with a single vendor your program can integrate both paper document archiving and electronic data management. Donnell works with you to deliver a comprehensive strategy that enables you to address all information management challenges, allows you to be more productive and respond to the needs of your business stakeholders, regulators and clients.